Performance Improvement & Development
(Individual, Team & Organisation)

At the heart of business success, and vital for survival in an ever-changing and increasingly competitive environment, is a continual drive for performance improvement. Your people are probably the most important resource you have with the potential to transform the performance of your business.
Excellence from every employee, every team and every manager is the key to competitive advantage, and it requires proactive effort from the leadership team to engender and embed a compelling, high-performance culture.
In many organisations, performance management (if it exists at all) is a matter of irritating bureaucracy – a cumbersome, paper-based, simplistic performance appraisal process which is little more than a tiresome form-filling exercise that staff and managers could cheerfully live without. It has little impact on the overall performance of the business, and at its worst is a waste of valuable time and resources, and a source of dissatisfaction for both staff and management.
The solution is to move beyond that, to a more holistic, dynamic, integrated and transparent performance management approach that will deliver powerful results to the bottom line and help to maximise the potential of each employee. The Performance Factor is ready to help you achieve that.
Excellence from every employee, every team and every manager is the key to competitive advantage, and it requires proactive effort from the leadership team to engender and embed a compelling, high-performance culture.
In many organisations, performance management (if it exists at all) is a matter of irritating bureaucracy – a cumbersome, paper-based, simplistic performance appraisal process which is little more than a tiresome form-filling exercise that staff and managers could cheerfully live without. It has little impact on the overall performance of the business, and at its worst is a waste of valuable time and resources, and a source of dissatisfaction for both staff and management.
The solution is to move beyond that, to a more holistic, dynamic, integrated and transparent performance management approach that will deliver powerful results to the bottom line and help to maximise the potential of each employee. The Performance Factor is ready to help you achieve that.
A Holistic Approach to Performance Management

The ultimate goal is a broader, fully-integrated performance management approach that focuses upon every aspect of your organisation's people-management practices, and that operates at every level - individual, team and organisation.
Ideally, this will embrace:
- Skills & Professional Training
- Management & Leadership Training
- Personal Development Training
- Team Building & Team Development
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Evaluation of investment in training & development
Ideally, this will embrace:
- Clear, well-defined, stretching (but achievable) plans, goals and objectives in order to align effort and activity, and inspire continual 'raising of the bar'
- Systematic achievement tracking and ongoing feedback (Performance Reviews or Appraisals)
- Appropriately tailored recognition and rewards
- A 'living' Training & Development Plan including:
- Skills & Professional Training
- Management & Leadership Training
- Personal Development Training
- Team Building & Team Development
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Evaluation of investment in training & development
- Selection and engagement of the best people for each and every job
- Robust and timely management of poor performance and absence
- Workforce Planning, Job/Role Design and Succession Planning
- Developing a high level of Employee Engagement, Empowerment, Commitment & Involvement
- Positive Staff motivation
- Effective, two-way Employee Communications
- Skilful and sensitive Change Management
Your people are probably the most important resource you have with the potential to transform your business. We can help you unlock that potential Contact us on +44 (0)1326 312756 Email: [email protected] |